Welcome to the September 2016 Newsletter. 

Millpond at Lammas, picture courtesy of Manon Bertrand, wildflowers thanks to Tom Clare 

Ecovillage news


Its been a busy summer here at Lammas with lots of visitors joining us to enjoy the good summer weather.

Visiting Researcher Manon Bertrand has kindly shared some of her pictures from her visit: Click here to view her gallery of pics

Congratulations to Keith and Sam Burgess, who recently attained planning permission for their One Planet Smallholding at Lammas. They plan to supply speciality mushrooms and grow furniture. It is the fastest OPD application to have been passed to date, taking little over 3 months from submitting the application to having a decision. The Pembrokeshire County Council Planning Committee approved the application unanimously. Click here to view the Management Plan.


The three-legged race at the Lammas Summer Fair 



Lammas was recently featured on 'The One Show' on BBC 1. Click here to watch the show. Due to recent changes in the licencing arrangements the show is only available to those with a TV Licence.


One Planet Council Autumn Gathering


Upcoming Events and Courses 2016 

Either click on title or scroll down to view details

DateDescriptionCourse facilitated by
October 1stOne Planet GatheringOne Planet Council
December 10thWillow Christmas CraftsCassandra Lishman
December 21stWinter Solstice FireTao Wimbush