Lammas Volunteer Travel Opportunity

Are you aged 18+ and living in Wales?

Are you interested in Eco-building?

Would you love to travel and learn about other cultures?

Then this could be an amazing opportunity just for you!

You don’t need to already be a Lammas volunteer, but you do need to be
enthusiastic, keen to travel and to learn about natural building in Europe.
For committed volunteers, this project will fund travel costs, accommodation and
food. A small group of volunteers will each be visiting Spain, France and Romania,
as well as Wales and England, over the 2 years of this project. All we ask in return
is; your commitment through a volunteer agreement; that each volunteer visits at
least 2 countries; and that you share your learning upon your return.

If this project excites you, please email subject
‘Erasmus Project’ to register your interest. We will be holding a meeting at
Lammas in the next couple of weeks to further explain and recruit our volunteers.